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The Cookery Book


Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Soup

Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Soup_edited.jpg

Beetroot, Carrot and Leek Soup


Serves 6

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cooking Time:  20 - 24 minutes


This is the ideal way to use the remaining Autumn vegetables from your vegetable patch.   Rich earthy flavours and enhanced by the piquant flavour of home made pesto.    This is perfect for a cold Autumnal evening and the contrasting colours are wonderful.







  • One large beetroot, peeled and grated

  • 4 medium King Edward Potatoes, peeled and finely sliced

  • 2 good sized leeks, washed, outer leaves removed and finely sliced

  • 4 large carrots, peeled and finely sliced

  • 1½ litres of boiling water

  • 2 stock cubes (vegetable or chicken)

  • A good slug of olive oil

  • Generous knob of butter

  • Seasoning





Red Pepper Pesto

Pumpkin seeds






  1. Prepare the vegetables as indicated above and set aside, keeping both potato and the beetroot separate.

  2. Put the oil and butter into a deep pan and add the leeks, heat through and stir thoroughly.

  3. As the leeks soften, now add the potato and stir through.

  4. Now add a little water to prevent the vegetables catching on the bottom of the pan.

  5. Add the grated beetroot - I use a food processor for slicing and grating.

  6. Now add about 1½ litres of boiling water, crumbled stock cubes and stir well.

  7. Simmer with the lid on for about 20 mins or until all the veg are soft.

  8. Liquidise or use a hand held stick to get a velvety smooth texture.

  9. Now add the seasoning and serve with home made red pepper pesto and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds   (PLEASE FIND THIS RECIPE UNDER SAUCES IN THE HOME PAGE INDEX)


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