Susie Drage
Music, Art & Cookery
The Cookery Book
Charlotte’s Nut Roast

Charlotte’s Nut Roast
Nut Roast makes 2 loaves - serves 10:
My daughter says ….you always ask me to write down recipes - so here is an amazing nut roast I made up, so yummy...
The amounts are largely guess work and can be halved to make just one loaf!
3 leeks
3-4 large carrots
1 Fennel bulb
3 Apples
½ garlic bulb
Red lentils (not more than a cup)
1 small loaf brown sour dough whizzed into breadcrumbs
4 eggs
Lots of cashews - pre-roast them in oven
Pack of pre-cooked chesnuts
Pack of apricots (I used most of it, maybe 200-250g) snip into chunks with scissors
Nutritional Yeast flakes - generous heap
1 scant teaspoon marmite
1 heaped teaspoon smoked paprika
Good amount of fresh sage
Apple vinegar
Fresh parsley
Dried oregano
Olive oil to sauté veg and grease tins
Seasoning to taste
1. Whizz up veg, apples and garlic and then gently cook in lidded saucepan.
2. Cook lentils til soft, drain.
3. Whizz up fresh herbs.
4. Whisk eggs. Mix it all together.
5. Put into greased loaf tins.
6. Cook at 180•c until golden on top - 30-50min (keep an eye)
7. Should come out deliciously moist but easy to slice.
8. Served with roast sweet potato chunks and greens 😊