Susie Drage
Music, Art & Cookery
The Cookery Book

Tomato, Fennel, Red Peppers and Pine Nuts
with Sorghum Fusilli
Serves 4
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
We have been experimenting with a number of alternative pastas and this one has a great taste, cooks very quickly so important to watch it before it gets too soft. One of the nicest pastas we have tried recently. This dish is easy to assemble and is the perfect tasty supper dish!
The top image is shown made with Red Lentil Pasta, which has a beautiful and vibrant hue.
The one below was made using Sorghum Pasta.
The information for those who are interested is as follows:
SuperGrain Sorghum fusilli is made from a naturally gluten free ancient grain with a slight sweet taste. Its enjoyment value is high, it keeps its texture perfectly even after cooking.
Easily digestible
Rich in vitamin-B’s, such as thiamin, niacin
High content of iron, phosphorus, potassium
It promotes healthy metabolism due to its high levels magnesium and copper levels
Its resistant starch and protein content absorbs slowly in the body, which is reduces the load for our internal organs,
and promotes healthy blood sugar levels
Psyllium husk is an ideal fibre source for those, who are sensitive to wheat. It has a calming effect on the sensitive
intestines, which could be troubled by the fibres of wheat
The red grape seed flour adds additional antioxidant properties to the pasta, made up of two types of antioxidants:
bioflavonoids and polyphenols
200g Sorghum Fusilli - cook according to manufacturer's instructions, but do not overcook this pasta.
One large Spanish Onion, sliced
One Fennel, finely sliced
Olive oil
3 peppers, sliced, from a jar of Roasted Red Peppers
400g can of chopped tomatoes
One punnet of Sunblush Tomatoes
Sea Salt
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Handful of Pine Nuts, gently toasted
Handful of Sunflower seeds, gently toasted
170g Pecorina Romano, grated
Pre-heat the oven to 180ËšC/Gas Mark 6.
Put the Pine Nuts and Sunflower seeds into two small roasting tins and bake for about five minutes until gently golden - do not let these burn. Remove from the oven and put to one side.
Cook the Sorghum Fusilli as instructed.
Add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil to a large pan and then add the onion and fennel. Stir to coat these and then fry for 4-5 minutes until softened.
Add the roasted peppers, chopped tomatoes and sunblush tomatoes and gently cook with the onion mixture for a further 4 minutes or so.
Season according to taste.
Drain the pasta and put this into a serving dish and top with the tomato mixture.
Now add the Pine Nuts and Sunflower Seeds on top.
Finally garnish each serving with generous amounts of grated Pecorino Romano cheese.