Susie Drage
Music, Art & Cookery
The Cookery Book

Venison Braised in Guinness and Port with Pickled Walnuts
Serves 4
Pre-Preparation: Marinade the Meat 24 hours ahead of cooking
Preparation Time: About 40 mins
Cooking Time: 3 hours
This is a GUEST RECIPE taken from Delia Smith's Christmas and is very rich and delicious.
We have this every year and it is also a wonderful dish for entertaining.
4 venison steaks, each weighing about 6-7 oz (175-200 g)
1 clove garlic, crushed (I used 4-5 cloves)
1 level dessertspoon plain flour
salt and freshly milled black pepper
10 fl oz (275 ml) Guinness (or other stout)
2½ fl oz (65 ml) ruby port
9 oz (250 g) pickled walnuts, drained and halved (I used two jars)
1 bay leaf
2 sprigs fresh thyme
½ oz (10 g) butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large onion, sliced
You will also need a wide flameproof casserole that will take the venison in one layer.
The night before, you need to place the meat in a large bowl along with the bay leaf and thyme, then pour the porter and port all over it. Put a plate on top to keep the meat pushed down and leave in a cool place overnight.
Next day, when you are ready to cook the meat, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 1, 275°F (140°C).
Then melt half the butter and oil in the casserole and heat gently.
Drain the meat (reserving the liquid and herbs) and pat the steaks dry with kitchen paper. Now turn the heat to high and brown the steaks (in two batches) to a rich brown on both sides
Now add the rest of the butter and oil to the casserole. As soon as it begins to foam, add the onion and brown this for about 8 minutes before adding the garlic and frying for another 2 minutes.
Now return all the meat into the casserole to join the onions.
Stir in the flour to soak up the juices, then pour in the marinade (including the bay leaf and thyme), add the walnuts and season well. As soon as it reaches a gentle simmer, put a lid on, then transfer the casserole to the middle shelf of the oven , put a layer of foil over the casserole and put on the lid and forget all about it for 3 hours, by which time the meat will be tender and the sauce marvellously dark and rich.
It is worth checking half way through cooking that there is enough liquid in the casserole but be careful to seal the lid properly before returning to the oven.
Serve with creamy mashed potato and shredded greens. I like to serve Parsnips Molly Parkin with this, and this recipe can be found under the Vegetarian Section.